In a new world, there is no God. There are Heaven and Hell, there is Lucifer the King of Hell and in Heaven, there is a council which is made up of Gabrielle, Michael, and Raphael.
The Bible only mentions the names of four angels from the countless millions that have been created. No one knows who created them, or how they found their way. They are Gabrielle, whose name means, "God is Mighty", Michael, whose name means, "Like God", Raphael, whose name means, "God Heals", and Lucifer, whose name means, "Light Bearer". All of them were good and held the peace of Heaven for eons.
During this time, they created Earth. It was created so that they could trail run a new species, called Humans. But before they could really monitor the succession rate or oversee what was happening on Earth, Lucifer struck.
It was Lucifer who rebelled against the others and who through pride, coveted the Throne of God and the worship that belonged to all of them equally. This resulted in a mighty war in Heaven. Lucifer, along with one-third of the angelic host was defeated by the Archangel Michael and was cast down from Heaven to the earth where he became known as "Satan", a name which literally means; "Adversary" as well as "Devil", which means, "Accuser of the brethren."
After Jesus, who was meant to show Humans how to live, was crucified Lucifer swore he would bare a child onto the Earth and that child would be the end of the Human race and in return, Michael, Gabrielle, and Raphael said when the time came, they too would create a son to fight this devil child. That was roughly 1980 years ago, give or take a decade or two and no child has been born.
Until now.
[RANKED 79TH IN EARTH - 29th Aug 2018]
The world is full of corruption, tragedy, and disaster. Rape, murder, embezzlement, human trafficking. You name it. There is nothing humans won't do for money, power or self-gratification. More than that it always seems that the downtrodden and the good-natured always suffer the most. The cherry on top? All this suffering is supposed to be rewarded in heaven when you die...if you make it there that is. Sounds ridiculous, right? Don't worry you aren't alone. My name is Jasmine Peters and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired as the world around me crumbles while Sky Daddy watches from his ivory tower. I was cursed with the ability to read minds and now I'm owning this curse on my own terms and saving whoever I can with it. If God won't help us... I will. Gabriel: I'll never understand The Almighty's infatuation with these creatures. Humans demand so much, but yet they give so little and whatever they are given they destroy. The audacity of this human especially leaves me particularly annoyed. She dares to defy divinity and scoffs in the face of The Almighty when it was divinity that has gifted her with the ability to do so in the first place. Only a creature as lost as a human would be given a gift and label it a curse. Nonetheless, as the hand of The Almighty, I will do as I am asked by tending the flock and heard this lost sheep back to pasture. As troublesome as she may be, I fear there is something much more sinister at play and she appears to be at the epicenter of this chaos.