have you ever love someone so much before, to the point you feel like your going to have a heart attack? well in this case this story is about two people that are scared to love because they have been hurt too many times to think about getting serious in a relationship, these two lovers are named Ellie and Ethan. after having a really bad first few years of teenage life ellie is a senior at a small school called ACES and she dreams of becoming a nusre but also wishes to be a fameous singer but ellie is aware of the fact thats not probably going to happen sooner or later. This girl has a very unique personality, she not an ordenary teenage girl shes the kind of girl that can be sweet as pie but can turn cold as a freezer. ellie defentily has god on her side when she figures out what she can become. now ethan is a boy that was listed as the hottest boy in JR high until ellie's mistake cause people and his friends to blame him for "rejecting ellie" their words not mine. after his friends betrayed him and got upset to the point ethan flipped his desk and dropped the F-bomb in class and went to the office crying! poor guy id give him a huge if i was there. ethan was a popular guy until what happend in 8th grade his popularity went down hill slowly, he had a few girlfriends here and there but they never lasted same thing with ellie. the two broken teenagers set off on their own path to the future. after trying to forget ethan for 4 years by dating other guys ellie finally stops lying to herself and starts to love ethan as for ethan he went into wrestling and probably gave up on dating and loses most of his crowd over the years ethan is one tough man he knows how to take a punch. ellies begins to wonder how ethan is doing and also wonders if he feels the same for her. this mystery love is probably every teenagers dream to have and some of the story is base on a TRUE STORY so i hope you enjoy and plz excuse the mispellings im not a good reader and writter \ O W O/