Whenever I have a bad day or my feelings get the best of me, I lay down and look up at the night sky. No matter whats going on in my life and how much I hurt, the sky always takes it away. The sky makes me think of things in a certain perspective.. It's huge.. We are just small, almost insignificant compared to the vastness of it. Kind of like our problems. The struggles of life seem so big and too much to handle; sometimes we just want to give up and we let them get the best of us. We get consumed with the what ifs, the maybes, the could have/should have thoughts racing through our minds everyday. We can't let those thoughts consume us. There's so much more to life than those insignificant thoughts. Sure, we can have bad days. That's normal and that's expected because we are only human. Why worry about what happened yesterday? That was yesterday. I can't change it. I can't go back, today? I need to just live today and be happy. Tomorrow? That's tomorrow and nothing to worry about because it hasn't happened yet.