보라색 하늘 (Written In Korean)
1 part Ongoing this is a Korean novel that i wroteee
20 years old girl named Yujin lives in a world that is about to collapse. It's been months since she lost contact with her parents. Briefly, she lives because she is afraid of dying.
What will be happening in the world that will be destroyed in a few weeks?
갓 20살을 맞이한 유진이 살던 세계가 하루아침에 멸망할 위기에 놓여있다. 부모님과의 연락은 끊긴 지 오래. 간결히 말하면, 죽지 못해 사는 것이다. 몇 주 뒤에 사라질 세상에서 무슨 일이 일어날까?