1 part Complete Jess keeps getting these recurrent dreams that she is going to lose her younger daughter Eva, in an accident & her daughter's hand keeps slipping away from hers. Thinking of this as a sign of work related stress & the fact that she had lost her husband in an accident 2 years back leaving her as a single mother of 2 girls, Jess keeps brushing this aside as a sign from God that she needs to take a break.
Little does she know that her dreams are more than a sign from God & they are actually a communication from intelligent beings farther away from her at the moment. A message that is being sent to her repeatedly to get her ready for the moment when it actually happens, she should be ready for the harvest, ready to let go & accept the fact that Eva won't be there with her forever. That Eva, is now ready for a bigger purpose & for what "THEY" call as Earths, CHRISTMAS CROP......