Sitting on the dock near the river enjoying the cool windy breeze blowing through my hair and the cool breeze blowing so heavily on my face. The cool breeze is just as cold as I want to be to others who have betrayed me, but the way my heart is set up; I can't be cold hearted. Sitting here thinking about so many things my mind is on overload. Too many people take my kindness for a weakness it seems. I've let go and let God. I've forgiven those who have betrayed me; I see now that I can forgive and move on and I do not have to socialize with people who take my kindness for granted. I do not want to carry a grudge because its like an uncureable illness, deadly to the soul. Carrying around anger and grudges can wear you down mentally and physically and can leave your soul empty. Which is why I've learned to let go and give it all to God. Sitting on the dock by the river is always calming and relaxing to my soul; its a true cleanser for the soul. My mind, soul, and heart is free of anger and grudges. I'm truly in a better place, I feel like my soul is smiling and is free again. I let Go and let God........All Rights Reserved
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