To Many miles to get there, To many hours to count. To many minutes to see, An to many secands till you get to me. Say Hello To Tova Ashia Lux. A beautiful girl, who was in love with the idea of the sea. She loves to sing an is drawn to the ocean. but her father is strict an yells, her mother is a small women who can not see beond what is placed in front of her. The ocean is just something that stands in her way. An love is something that is frowned upon in the family. Is you have fallen in love, you have fallen into the world of the forbidden. Take a wave to Daemon Oliver Chance. The most cocky an sexy guy you will ever meet. His amazing looks an his sexy body. He lives for music an he lives for the ocean. Is his whole life he has had one girlfriend. He only dates if he likes you. but theres always an occasional wink an quick kiss. With his quick teasing an his very actrive body he is made even more irrisatable. His Moms a strong women who only eants the best an his dad. is with his girlfriend. The Ocean Is What Binds Them. The Distance is What Sepreats Them