(Last Name) (Name) is on the verge of being broke and working her way through the path of becoming a business woman just isn't her passion. On the day of her interview, she couldn't bring herself to say anything and simply walked out of the company building, and was left to sit at the park to contemplate her life choices. That was when she met a group of lost little boys, and helps them find their apparent moms, that are actually grown men around your age. It must have been the strings of faith working on you since just being around them for a few minutes made you smile in a long time, and the care place in which they all work in needs help to take care of the little volleyball induced children. Haikyuu Residence. Now you are welcomed into the world of changing diapers and pouring all your energy into preventing these haikyuu babies from crying and screaming. But not everything is all black and white when you have a whole team of mom squads to back you up.All Rights Reserved