"I finally forced myself to move. I dropped the flashlight and ran. I ran with barely a thought, adrenaline surged through my veins and powered me forward. The trees began their ominous muttering once again. This time I was certain they were speaking. I could even make out some of the words.
"No escape."
But still, I ran."
Life advice from a certain Rowan Archer: Never walk alone at night in a forest you've never been to.
Silence of the Trees is a 2677 word story written for the ESU-Roly Sussex Short Story Award of 2016. To my surprise, it won the 2nd place in the secondary student's competition, which means people like it, apparently.
Also to my surprise is the fact that it's due to be published in mid-2017 in the 2016 edition of the ESU's "A Collection of Short Stories".
If you want to check out the ESU, and I recommend you do, the link to their Australian website (the one with the competition) is here:
Although this short story is finished and I'm not updating it anymore, you are more than welcome to critique it.
Happy reading.