The rival's name is Bryson, a boy who is now working in the same modeling business with Adrien.
However, Bryson starts having feelings towards our Marionette. But he doesn't like Ladybug too much at all. And he didn't have anything against Chat until jealousy started. coming.
You wanna know the worst parts about Bryson being in love with Mari? Bryson begins feeling he owns her. And worst, in both Mari's vision and Adrien's vision(Duh. Lol), Bryson is a pervert.
So, sit back and relax! Because after all, ("-The city never sleeps at night! Its Time to give in, isn't it? I feel a little bit older, but then again, I'm just the same as I was. Now don't you understand? I'm never changing who I am!" Sorry. I just had to! XD That was Its Time by Imagine Dragons, BTW.) I'll be updating pretty quick. Why? Well, check the warning down below! ^-^
{WARNING: These will be very short chapters, seeing as im pretty busy. And because Im dedicated to Wattpad, its hard trying to hide sickness and pain from my family. "Why don't you tell them?" You might ask. My answer: because there's something that we've been planning to do for months, and I don't want to disappoint them by my sickness. "What about your pain?" My answer: because its the kind that has a 60% chance of surgery. If I feel a tad bit better by Jan. or Feb. (If not completely), then I'm not gonna worry about it. If I don't and it gets worse before them, then I'll tell them. But, it'll just be a small secret between us, him? Good. Now let's talk something other than pains and sicknesses.}
{DISCLAIMER: I do not own Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir(but I wish I were! ^-^), let alone the plot or any of the characters. Not even Bryson. This Fanfic isn't even mine. This was made by a YouTuber named Valory Pierce. Some of you may know her. She also voices Chloè in Thrill of the Hunt.