Anime Sax is a 16 year old stereotypical Emo with Schizophrenia.
Her life is exactly like ours but she spends her time cutting to get rid of the voices in her head; she has friends who help too; Brothers; Byron and Ryan; Twins; Mina and Mani and of course Skeptic; they are all just like her; their school's popular group dubbed them as the "Silent" because they never speak to anyone except themselves.
Then there was the day where Anime's Principle made her tutor the King of the school; Harry Styles; Harry was part of the popular group called the "Royals".
Because of witnessing Anime's illness first hand Harry has vowed never to leave her side against the will of her friends.
The two begin to grow close but Anime's illness just keeps getting worse; will Harry's voice be the one to make her take her own life or will some random act of love make her choose otherwise?