So basically this is a fanfiction about an alternate pokemon world where eevees are the last surviving pokemon due to some sort of ancient apocalypse, and a sort of social hierarchy has evolved as to the different types of eevee that there are. It's different in that eevees are born as their evolution, so in reality there is no such thing as an eevee but rather just a collection of vaporeons, glaceons, umbreons, and so on. The two main conflicting eevee evolutions are sylveons and umbreons, with the sylveons viewing the umbreons as dark savages and the umbreons viewing the sylveons as vain and cruel. The plot is pretty cliche: the protagonist, an umbreon, falls in love with a member of the enemy, a sylveon. And then there's random flareon in the background being all philosophical and looking at dead trees.
Ok. SO. I wrote ALL of this within the span of...5 days I think? Maybe less? Sometime last year at least. It was for a competition that was never finished, and I don't plan on completing this particular story because all of my scenes were way too long and I had so much trouble keeping the plot in check that I'd rather not tackle that thornbush all over again. This is definitely not my best writing! Also, quick warning, there are some dark bits. Actually, a lot of dark bits. Both figuratively and literally. You have been warned.
So yeah! Bear in mind, I'm not publishing this because I'm proud of it (it's not edited so...*shiver*), I'm publishing it because I nearly forgot about it and I just don't think it deserves to fade away into oblivion. Enjooooy!