Emma Anders.
Two words, one person.
When I was little, my mom used to say that you could do anything if you believed. My brother sneered at the idea, but I believed her. Children tend to do that, believe what they're told. So I guess that was why I was so surprised when she died. If you could do anything you believed, then why didn't my mom believe she could live? Could I have done anything to make her live longer? Was it my fault?
At the funeral, I kept expecting for her to wake up and hug me like she always would and tell me it would be okay. My brother just kept telling me "She's Never Coming Back" over and over again. My child brain thought he was wrong, that she would come back to me, but I guess I never understood what he really meant until now.
Sure, she wasn't ever going to physically come back, but I could control whether or not her legacy lived, whether or not she was remembered, and whether or not her kindness and generosity could be passed on through me to others. I needed to learn to live through hardships and take trouble by the horns.
This is my story.
Ich dachte immer es wären nur meine Mutter und ich...aber ein Vater und noch mehr Geschwister?
Ich schaute ihr in die Augen. "Ich bin deren Schwester.", sagte ich. Sie schaute mich für einige Sekunden einfach nur an und fing dann an zu lachen. "Du? Deren Schwester?!", sagte sie immernoch lachend. "Was erzählst du da? Du sollst unsere Schwester sein?", sagte eine männliche Stimme bedrohlich plötzlich hinter mir. Ich drehte mich um und...
Plötzlich startet für die 15 jährige Eve ein ganz neues leben. Keiner hat sich für das reiche ruhige Mädchen interessiert...aber jetzt? Hat sie auch noch Halbbrüder, die sie nicht mal leiden können. Schafft es Eve damit klar zu kommen? Oder wird sie vielleicht sogar ein ganz anderes Chaos anrichten?