Kimberley Hills, an innocent 15-year-old girl, suffers serious bullying and mental abuse from her adopted sister and arch nemesis, Cindy Pawson. Their rivalry grows stronger each day, eating Kimberley up inside, causing her to fall into spiral depression. Plans and schemes are developed to destroy Kimberley, lips touch, hearts are broken, and relationships are created. As secrets bottle up in Cindy, things become more and more confusing, especially when she comes up with her greatest plan of all time. What will happen when Kimberley's crush, Herb Hayes, experiences suicidal thoughts and sick gossip? Is it Cindy's fault for spreading secrets and rumors, or is Kimberley really the one to blame for not being there to support him? When more lies develop and are spread to the rest of Kimberley's adopted family, what will her two best friends, or adopted brothers, Sean Anderson and Ted Clarke think? And the biggest question is: why? Why is this happening? What is Cindy up to? How is she managing to pull it off? All Kimberley knows is that she won't be getting away with it much longer. Her life has been a vast puddle of depression and sorrow, and it's all because of Cindy.
Millie Ripley has only ever known one player next door. Luke Dawson. But with only a couple months left before he graduates and a blackmailer on the loose, will their love story stand the test of time? And will they both need to grow up to face the truth?