Lizzie Lyrica Sharp was cursed when she was 12. She only found out when she killed her parents by turning them into gold when she hugged them. She lived in an orphanage after being on the run for years. She really didn't hug anyone. It confused and scared her and the other girls, because what if she turns them into gold? She didn't turn any objects into gold, so she thought it was a one time thing.
Until a year or two later, she tried comforting one of her friends by rubbing her back.
She turned into gold, forever crying.
After that, Lizzie ran. She ran away from everyone, but always ended up back at the orphanage, condemned to one room.
But one day, she got adopted by a strange couple who brought her to a safe place where she met people like her.
I do not own Percy, Annabeth, or Leo, they belong to Rick Riordan, this is just a fanfic of sorts. If you have any character suggestions, feel free to give them to me! Two of my friends are helping me write the story, so I will update it some more! Bai my blue cookies!!~ ♡