This is a rhyming poem that describes my experience as the wife of a career soldier in the US Army. Im having trouble describing what you find when you read it. The saddest thing is that my story is not special. My story is average, normal, and most of all has a happy ending in that my soldier came home everytime and we are still married when its finally over. In my poem i talk about a woman named Jane, she is a real person i knew many years ago. In the late 90"s i saw firsthand the horror of a neighbor losing her husband when Janes husband died while in the middle of redeploying home to her (a matter of hours or days away). It was the first military death i had ever been exposed to. Sadly it was not the last. I wrote this for its cathartic effect for me and also as a tribute to all the military families still living the life everyday.All Rights Reserved