This story begins with a few characters who will become well known to you as the story progresses. Jennifer Doyle is our protagonist and someone you will grow to like, admire and want to help. She is a thirty something woman who lives in a small town of about 9,000 people up North called Crow Lake. This is a picturesque town, very quaint with its businesses and shops with a very wide residential area. Crow Lake is a hot spot for tourists in the summer and fall with a few festivals and a fall fair. The crime rate exists and a lot of it is actually chalked up to tourist shenanigans, domestic disputes and now quite suddenly... a Murder of one of its own prominant residents, seemingly done by another upcoming resident community member! Now, Jennifer arises with her own problems. She suffers from PTSD as a result of a childhood trauma where she saw her parents die in a boat accident that only she survived. The images from this last day with her parents haunt her days and more so her nights. She seeks treatment for this at a sleep clinic where she is trying new coping stategies. Her new dr. here is well known and respected in the community and surrounding areas. But he is not all that he seems, there is a darkness within him that is unexplained and unleashed upon Jennifer in horrific ways and in a secret that she has repressed. She has started to wake up in unexplainable places, remembering nothing of sleepwalking in the night but senses that something is very wrong. Her best friend is trying to help her retrace steps after a particularly nasty night and Jennifer ends up embroiled in a murder for which she is the prime suspect! After some dead ends in their own investigation into the grisly murder, Jennifer, her best friend and a new possible love interest begin to wonder if maybe she did do it... Jennifer's stalwart companions refuse to give up on her and her case even when she ends up behind bars with everyone in town thinking she's unbalanced or crazed with jealousy..
5 parts