This story is about Septiplier,duh. WARNINGS : Guy x Guy if you don't like don't read. Mark is in the process of giving birth to ten kids after his husband, Daniel, died in a car accident. (This story is based off of ,Drawing with Rydi on youtube, their drawing story where Mark has ten fnaf kids with Daniel and Daniel passed(;~;) and Jack is helping raise those kids.) (Each kid has a name but they are dressed like Fnaf characters.) There is Fredrick (Freddy), Chloe (Chica), Mark Jr. (Marionette) Bailey (Bonnie), Daniel (Toy Freddy), Haley (Toy Bonnie), Tyler (Toy Chica), Peter (Golden Freddy) Vixen and Marie (Foxy and Mangle twins). Mark is 8 months pregnant with Vixen and Marie. This is 5 months after Daniel. The way I listed them is how old they are, starting at Freddy being 6 yrs. old, Chica being 5 3/4 yrs. old, Bonnie is 5 3/4 too, Marionette is 5 1/2 yrs. old, Toy Freddy and Toy Bonnie are both 5, Toy Chica is 4 3/4 yrs. old, and Golden Freddy is 2 1/2 yrs. old.