I will rant about two things in this book. The movie and fan fiction. Do not read this if you are not a mphfpc fan. These are cliché things that I want to point out. DO NOT copy me or I will find you and feed you to Malthus. Who's Malthus? You don't know? Too bad. You can definitely read if you are a book fan. You can probably read if your a movie fan, just please read the books. And if your an Asa Butterfield fan girl, who takes over every movie adapted fandom like an infectious disease (thanks, health class.), then leave our fandom right now!! GO! Same thing if you copied Audibility, that's my sisters, but it's brand new. Not cliché. And surprisingly, my own opinion, not my characters.
(However, I do find and edit my lovely photos)
This was written a very long time ago. Like, formerly-eleven-year-old-author-is-now-facing-graduation long time ago. It's survived a variety of stages-edits to 'improve' content, additional disclaimer, the deletion and addition of chapters-but I've finally made my peace with it. Any opinions expressed within may or may not be held by the current author, but I'm leaving it up as an artifact of early-fandom weirdness and the first fic I ever really wrote.