Theo involved himself in a so-called "the strangest relationship" to any human being, but it was fine with him because he was very happy. He committed himself in it and had no intention to let it go, no matter how much people told him to do so.
His love-at-the-first-sight happened in a park not too far from his house when he saw Betty. His long search of the love of his life ended that day. Metting Betty was the greatest happiness life ever gave him. But no matter how many times Theo told people that he loved Bettt with all his life and heart, people kept telling him that he should find another woman. Why?
She's sexy and she's beautiful. I'd been drawn to her ever since the first time I saw her. Her legs, her walk, her glance, the way she moved her body always made me imagine things: things that could give me great pleasure.
Let me tell you the story how we met.
It was spring. I loved spring because I hated cold. I hated the cold of snow, the weather, the wind, and of course the cold of being alone in bed at night.....