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Miss Kari's Diary
Fan Fiction
Fiction Or Reality?
Posted on 1 Day Ago by Kari
Hello. My name is Kari, and I come from a fantasy land, where you see and hear things that aren't there, paranoia kicks your ass, and high emotional status. No, I do not do drugs. This is what I deal with everyday. It's called schizoaffective disorder. Schizoaffective disorder is a disorder of which schizophrenia and bipolar combine. It's a complicated illness; but please, I beg of you, just listen.
Age of diagnosis-16. Year-2008. Age now-25. I've come along way since I was first diagnosed. It all came about when I had my first suicide attempt at the age if 16. I overdosed on hydrocodone and alcohol. I was found, unconscious. I was taken to a hospital by ambulance. A day later, I was sent to the mental hospital for the first time. They diagnosed me with depression and put me on antidepressants. It obviously didn't work. About 5 months later they finally found a label for me...schizoaffective.
The psychiatric hospital visits continued about at least once a year, and of course they still do. My illness, is in itself, a wild card. You never know what to expect.
Okay, so about the illness. The things I hear and see are unbearable. I've seen many crazy things...demons...shadows...even Kurt Cobain! Yes, Kurt and I shared a special relationship. Then I was let down when I found out he wasn't real.
By the way, my first suicide attempt wasn't my last. I've attempted suicide various times; cutting, overdose on pills, stabbing myself...need I say more?
So, that's my vague story about what I go through on a daily basis. I hope you enjoyed it.
Schizoaffective disorder is a serious matter. If you or a loved one might think they have it, please set up an appointment with a psychiatrist. It's nothing to be embarrassed by and there is no cure. But meds do help.