Eighteen year-old Ivy Rhodes finds herself desperate for a cure almost a year after a sledding accident rendered her blind and alone at a boarding school for "Special Youth," aka the disabled. When a team of state-of-the-art doctors approach her with a treatment plan that promises restored sight, Ivy immediately agrees to test a concept under development, something the doctors call Reality.
The section of Reality designated for the blind is called Virtual Reality, and uses technology that can create a live image of Ivy's surroundings, but in order to participate in the Virtual Reality's trial-run, Ivy must also agree to volunteer herself toward an even larger product, Alternate Reality, that developers say could ultimately help anyone overcome any deficiency imagineable by monitoring participants bodies, senses, and mind as they progress through a surreal, dream-like simulation.
Once inside, Ivy meets Elliott Hastings, a handsome, motivated young man who is another disabled participant who claims to know the real, horrifying truth behind these 'Realities'. Though at first thrilled and more than willing to exchange her time and a few tests for being able to see again, Ivy realizes there is a lot that the doctors aren't telling her. Together, Elliott and Ivy set out to uncover the truth of these 'Realities,' and along the way learn how to trust their hearts over their senses, and are forced to make a decision between love and life.
"Life isn't about what you can see, it's about what you feel, what moves you and motivates you, what destroys you and rips you apart and builds you up again. You don't have to see to stop and smell the roses, but you do need to be headed somewhere in order to stop to smell them."
**Featured on Wattpad's official BaddassReads page!**
**Longlister for the Open Novella Contest of 2021!**
"Congratulations, you are one of the few lucky initiates to have been selected for Project Soteria.
What lies ahead will challenge you. It will push you to your limits, teach you about yourself, force you to make tough decisions. But if you make it through, you could play a key role in the survival of our nation. We are on the brink of great disaster. Will you save us?"
Just when Norae Rigby thought her life was over, fate takes a turn she never saw coming.
Waking up on a strange ship in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, with no clue how she got there, Norae is thrown into a world of chaos when she is forced to undergo military training spearheaded by a private army and one billionaire scientist with big plans for the future. Inside this unorthodox military academy, she is joined by hundreds of other abducted teens, and soon she forms relationships that could ensure her survival. Or they could bring certain death.
And then there's The Grounds, a virtual battlefield where the initiates are sent to train in different challenging simulations. Here anything and everything is possible, and no mission is ever the same.
In order to survive not just the training but also what comes next, Norae and the other initiates must stick close and work together. But not everyone is a team player.
And under all that pressure, the initiates still need to ask themselves...
Is it all real?
Status: Completed