My young small and fragile body lay only a few feet from hers. Watching in agony as he screamed at her, calling her cruel names I didn't understand. Her body shook as she cried and I called out to my mother. Her head turned to me as she told me everything would be ok. I screamed and cried or him to stop which only caused him to scream cruel words at me. Suddenly my mothers voice raised and she told him he would be dammed to hell. His attention went back to her and he beat her viciously. She turned to me with a small smile and tears in her eyes as she mouthed an 'I love you' to me. He lifted his foot and in one swift kick to her head she stopped moving. She looked as if she had went to sleep. Blood pooled around her head coating the floor. I cried for he to wake up as my body wracked with sobs. He turned to me, nostrils flaring in anger. His face came only inches from mine "you will not say one word. EVER." He yelled. I nodded franticly as my body shook silent tears staining my cheeks. And I obeyed him.