In the kingdom, called Antasla, where girls are usually the kind and i'm-so-helpless types, Amanda is a spoilt brat. She gets everything she wants. Perhaps being a princess has helped her. Where her status as the princess does not seem to work, she uses her beauty to charm others into getting what she wants. Until the King realises, they are being spied upon. The Court is in chaos and the King must find a way to capture the spy. Little known to him, Amanda has managed to master the swords fighting and archery by eavesdropping on her brothers' classes. After much coaxing she is sent on a journey to capture the suspected spy, Alaric, who is lives in the outskirts of the forest.. There is but one problem. She has the wrong suspect. And Alaric, is no ordinary forest-dweller. He has his own secrets and will not bend to the will of another, even if it is the Princess. As the fight between the two takes places, the real spy is in the lurking right under their noses, ready to pounce and bring apart their kingdom any moment. Will the Princess see through the disguise?