"what's up the name is Ashley but don't call me that or i'll tear you from limb to limb " I smirk evily "joking" I laugh "not" I mumbled under my breath "probably want to get to know me to bad you will only know the basics so listen closely #1 They call me the demon child why let's see when I was born they knew something wasn't right I didn't have a heartbeat but I was crying several.years later found out I was a vampire #2 I killed my parents while my little siblings watch #3 I hate humans #4 have a love hate relationship with my siblings Theo and Tabitha Galavan #5 building a vampire army #6 I stopped ageing at 18. I think that's enough info now I got to go I think I found my next victims" skipping away happily towards a group of teenage boysAll Rights Reserved