HEY GUYS this is about a girl that hurt has problems with anxiety depression the fear of losing people she moved school to forgetl about that but all of it still hauts her she wants to get away from it but she so scared but than comes her friends try and help her she never really had a lot of friends she also falls in love with a bad boy her names Bella . Bella not confined about her self she puts her self down a lot but she also learns a lot at this new school she made some frineds but than started get bullied which she did not want she just had that at her old school I guess the pass followers but she never stand up for her self eairth so maybe it was her fault this is a story of love hope standing up for what rights and never giving up it all so about going threw pain and not letting it get the better of you HOPE YOU READ THIS BOOK XX INJOY SOME OF THIS IS REALLY AND SOME NOT XXXAll Rights Reserved