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MALEC AU FanFiction
Magnus is a lawyer and Alec is a soon-to-be-leader at SID, a detective at field solving unique and mysterious case. [No, Alec's not that innocent in here and let's pretend SID is a big organization, okay.]
All starts when Lydia Branwell, a lawyer as well, is trying to find the corpse of her lover, John, that have been missing mysteriously and apparently the only organization that wants to help her is the SID ran by Lightwood Family, the one that took charge of the case is no other than Alexander Lightwood. However, the only price Alec want is to marry her, to prove a point that he is not in love with Jace.
Of course, as a friend of Lydia, Magnus won't let such illogical thing ruin Lydia. Alas, the story of Malec starts with a point to prove that Alec is not in love with Jace and ends with the process to prove how much Alec loves Magnus. All with solving some mysterious case and hitting up the court.
"You love him. You always did." Magnus scoffs.
"I'm not." Alec glared.
"Oh, Alexander, please. Do you think i'm blind ?"
"If i really love Jace. I. Won't. Marry. Lydia." Alec emphasize every word as if he means it.
Magnus rolled his eyes. He pulls Alec's collar.
"The only reason you want to marry her is because you thought that maybe the commitment will make you forget him." Magnus point his finger at Alec's chest.
"And just to make yourself better, also prove it to him and to others that you got no feelings whatsoever with him. All because of that stupid one-sided love you got." Magnus smirks.
"I told you i have no feelings towards Jace !" Alec throw his fist to magnus's jaw.
Magnus spits some blood and then look straight at Alec in the eyes.
"Lydia is my friend, in court, in life, one of my best client and prosecutor. I'm not going to let you steal her freedom. You said you don't love Jace ? Fine. Prove it, Alexander." Magnus leans in.