The Circus Freak tells the story of Renato, a child with psychopathic behavior who, through dreams and hallucinations, builds a mythical world where clowns are material manifestations of a demon. The little boy grows to become a murderous missioner. His mission: try to purify the souls controlled by that demon, or save the world from his threat. The reader will be able to follow Renato on his genesis of insanity, his spontaneity for the first kill, and his psychopath need to keep moving forward onto such morbid fate that becomes as essential to him as the air he breathes. The story turns even more interesting with the appearance of a criminal nicknamed "Circus Freak" who plagues the city, leaving everyone stunned by his cruelty. Who is the so-called Circus Freak? Who is the man behind the clown face? A mystery, only you can solve!
26 parts