Barry Allen. The superhero, the scientist, the third wheel, the friend, the careful but reckless, the optimist.
Leonard Snart. The villain, the thief, the brother, the leader, the schemer, the liar.
Both had one thing in common. They were in love...with each other.
Barry was always the hero. He was always there when Snart was about to steal something or whe he was going to get away with a crime. Sometime since their first encounter, Barry had fallen for the guy. It didn't matter that the guy was a thief or a liar because Barry knew the guy had good in him. He wasn't a lost cause.
Snart was always stealing something. He was always doing something to get the speedsters attention. Snart admired that no matter what he did, Barry saw good in him. He never gave up on trying to talk him into doing something good for once and not something bad. He didn't know when it happened but...he fell in love with the stubborn hardheaded guy.
One night Barry finds Snart inside Joe's living room waiting for him. Things escalated and now Barry was dating a criminal.
Things were never so complicated before but now they were. And the one thing that he always asked himself was: when did my life get so complicated?
The answer would be, 'Oh right. The night I was struck by lightning.'
He was the hero and he was the villain.
Find out how this plays out with lies, secrets and complications in between.
All in Falling In Love With The Criminal.