In the wake of the Batman's sacrifice and defeat of the terrorist Bane, Gotham still reels from instability and uncertainty as Arkham Asylum escapees roam the city. Having left the GCPD and with no sign of Bruce Wayne in over a year, Detective John Blake dedicates himself to running the Thomas and Martha Wayne Home for Children, hoping to give kids like him a better chance at life. But when Commissioner Gordon seeks his help taking down the growing corruption instigated by mob boss Salvatore Moroni, Blake must find the delicate balance between past injustices and the future of Gotham. To help shoulder the responsibility of caring for Gotham's underprivileged youths, he finds a compassionate soul in Dr. Tessa Fox, Lucius's brilliant daughter, recently returned home from Africa to continue her medical research on bioengineering. While her assistance brings a welcome relief to the overworked Blake, Dr. Fox uncovers more than just medical advances in Gotham's society and soon makes a dangerous breakthrough that could compromise Blake's investigation. Determined to help Gordon eradicate Moroni's powerful organized crime ring, Blake finds that without Batman, heroes aren't born. They rise.All Rights Reserved