Chata, feia, irritante, estranha e idiota, eram o que chamam as pessoas da escola, do bairro e até da casa de Daniella Dinniz de 19 anos.
Seus pais eram separados, ela ficava muito triste com isso, mas ela gostava de ficar na casa do pai dela.
As aulas acabaram e Dani decidiu passar as férias com seu pai.
Seu pai trabalhou 4 dias, e quando era o dia dele voltar, ele demorou demais.
Ela chorou muito e acabou dormindo, mas quando acordou, recebeu a notícia de sua madrasta que seu pai morreu.
Ela tinha que ir embora porque as férias estavam acabando, mas não tinha ninguém para levar ela, porque o único que sabia dirigir era seu pai.
Então, ela juntou dinheiro e foi sozinha de ônibus para sua casa.
Voltou as aulas e ela ainda triste por causa do seu pai, mas ela conhece duas pessoas que ajudaram ela, sua melhor amiga, e seu melhor amigo.
Kiara, a girl, who was sent to an abusive school, just because everyone thought she tried to kill her twin.
She became one of the best underworld fighter. She wanted someone to trust her, someone she could cry in front of and tell how much she had to went through but she had no one in the process.
She was bought back after 11 years, on her mother's family.
And as she thought she was welcomed by hatred, after so many years.
The last thing, she would do was trust her real family, which includes 5 brothers, a sister and a father.
She wanted to go back to that abusive school of her's because it was better to live with some strangers who used to abuse her, then her own family become stranger and hate her.
Also in the way, she finds a guy whom she starts loving.