"Don't kill me!" I screamed
"Look, I've just had a conversation with God and he said that he needed you to live on this earth longer" said Steve
I wipe my eyebrow in relief. I'm glad that I still have time left.
"But, there's another person that God didn't want to die either" told Steve
"Mike" said Steve "so instead of sending you to hell, God told me to give you a mission, and it's not a fun one"
A mission? From God? This is exciting. I was raised as a Christian and I believe that God put everyone on this earth for a mission. It's nice to know that mine is special. Even though Steve said that my mission wasn't a fun one, I was still excited. I, Sarah Hatcherson was on a special mission from God.
"What's the mission?" I asked
"You have 30 days to save Mike Willis from committing suicide" said Steve
When Sarah breaks the rules of time by traveling back a month, father time visits her that night and is ready to take her to hell as a punishment. Then he has a better idea
Instead of Sarah being sent to hell, she was going to go on a mission where she would have thirty days to save her troubled classmate, Mike from killing himself. Sarah and Mike have crossed paths before and it was only in the worst of ways. These two don't get along and Mike is just a total jerk. How could Sarah save a guy she hates? Worst part is, if she doesn't save him in thirty days, she would be sent to hell and be burned for the rest of eternity.
This paranormal/adventure/action/drama/romance/love story will bring readers on an adventure as Sarah has to face the difficulties of evil devils, friendships, anxiety issues, saving lives, being bullied, and craziest of all, falling in love. There will be so many obsolesces that get in the way of the mission and at times, it seems as if the mission will fail. However, with the power of love on Sarah and Mikes side, getting through these thirty days will
In a post apocalyptic world, two young women had been living in a small corner of the world outside a city in Utah surviving on the food they grow from their garden, harvest from the forest and through the fishing and hunting they do throughout the year. But there are times they need to venture into the nearby city for things they need. And it is a dangerous world they live in where vigilance is a must.
So when they decide to venture into the city due to the necessity of needing warm clothes and blankets for the upcoming winter, running into the dangers of the people living in the city becomes a reality as they are forced to flee for their lives. But not before they run into something, what they assumed as a man dressed in a heavily damaged, rabbit suit who almost killed them for nearly running into him. But with quick thinking, they avoided him, and it resulted in the rabbit facing the people they had been running from.
But as the man in the rabbit suit killed the people chasing the women, that had not gone unnoticed by one of the girls as she thanked him from a distance. But it wouldn't be the only encounter, as things grow more dangerous with the coming winter.
And he becomes intrigued by her, given the fact she has a strong will to survive, no hesitation in defending herself and has zero care that this person in the suit seemed to be more dead than alive. Something her friend points out multiple times. But this connection becomes a danger in itself. As this man is no stranger to death and danger, but nor is he a stranger to wanting to keep things for himself. Especially after losing everything he's had, he will not lose her either.
Especially when the sins of his past follow him. And discover his new interest in this woman to the point where they will cause harm to her to continue the torment and pain of one William Afton.