It all started with Cher’s X-Factor audition. Harry Styles was backstage practicing his song for his audition. While he was in the practicing room, he saw a girl named Cher Lloyd on the big screen TV. Harry thought her voice was amazing! He wants to get to know her.
2 years later….
Harry is now in a band called One Direction. Cher Lloyd is also popular. Harry and Cher don’t really see each other a lot but Harry misses her so he visits her. Cher was glad to see him and the band members again. Since One Direction had a concert coming up, they decided to invite Cher. Off course Cher said yes. Harry was excited for the concert to come.
One Direction and Cher Lloyd had a fun time at the concert so One DIrection invites her at their house. Cher is okay with it. Harry falls in love with her more, but since Cher is now in the house Niall Horan starts to fall for her. Who will win Cher?? Who will Cher pick??