Meet 22-year-old Micki Wall, a matchmaker who knows the Dos and Don'ts of every other relationship except her own. When best friend Sydney Tellis sets her up on a blind date, Micki is thrown in a situation that threatens to make her life Hell (at least, by her definition).
Prequel to Micki Wall, Troublemaker.
46 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
46 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
Sometimes, life gives us exactly what we need.
Natalia Turner.
Having been recently dumped, she decides to take a break from dating. Too many failed relationships and heartbreaks have convinced her that she is far from 'girlfriend material'.
Enter, Zack Leroy.
A chance encounter with her puts him in a tough spot. He is absolutely gripped by her. He believes that they are perfect for each other in ever way imaginable. Now all that's left is to convince her.
Simple, right?
Dive into the lives of our two leads, and watch their story unfold.
With loads of fun, excitement, humor and just a little bit of heartbreak.
But love conquers all, right?
Special thanks to @fizzz13 for her unconditional Love and Support.