We all remember the horror stories of the kidney thieves. People waking up in bathtubs packed in ice with a note that told them to call 911. Most might be aware that the story is an urban legend that propagated during the late 1990's. There was simply no feasible way to harvest and transplant an organ outside of a medical facility, the procedure is so complex and delicate, and requires to-the-second timing as well as many highly trained personnel to have made this story anything but a hair raising camp fire story. Fast forward to Vermont, 2013 and the bizarre cases of mutilated victims. Now its hands, feet, or whole limbs that are mysteriously going missing, while organs seem to be intact. In fact the victim was quite obviously well cared for during the ordeal, but not a single one can remember anything about it, nor do they seem quite themselves anymore. Rumors abound of black market sales abound, the locals are getting agitated and a bunch of mediums and so-called clairvoyants are twittering that its not the black market that people need to be worried about...All Rights Reserved
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