Bethany Mirce was hated by everyone in the small, Christian town of Waterloo, Iowa. "Mama Mirce", as the kids called Bethany, was genderfluid, listened to "satanic" and "banned" rock music. Mama looked up to people Waterloo burned photos of, and wore black while everyone around her was dressed in whites or other bright colors. They sulked in the back of Church, and were an Atheist despite their parents being the main pastors at the Church.
If there was one thing Bethany got in trouble for it was sneaking out. So, when they snuck out to go to the Andy Black show in Des Moines, Mr. and Mrs. Mirce simply assumed their "daughter" (homophobia is great) would return shortly.
But Bethany wasn't coming back.....
{Hello!!! Yes, Bethany is genderfluid, you don't like it don't read. Smut warning. Maybe some triggers. IDK}