Abrielle, a nineteen-year-old girl who is fresh out of high school, is destined to follow in the footsteps of her successful father, who is a tremendous deal in the music industry. Just like everyone with a name in this malicious industry, he had to have started somewhere, and that somewhere was in his music store in the heart of Los Angeles. Not quite ready to head off to college yet, Abrielle spends her days in the store organizing and re-organizing the stock, repairing instruments for customers, and composing her own music for her entertainment. One day, a man comes in to the store, and Abrielle begins to notice the behaviors of this odd man. Being one of those girls that you can't help but love, she's slightly confused by his rude and curt demeanor. How can he get her to realize that his intentions aren't bad? That he only wants her to notice him? Through music, we can communicate the words that we're not able to speak.