Letting the words just drift away, the pen flowing along the paper, her thoughts freed, absorbed, staining the paper by the black ink, the ink the colour of the darkest night. She let everything out, whether as words, as art, or simply as scribbles on a page as she turns the white gift from the trees to an ink stained replica of the night.
Sara "Dwyn" Castele grew up alone. Well, not quite alone, she had a mother, and a father, a brother and sister, but it wasn't physically, the manner of which she was alone. She was alone in her mind.
So she made a friend out of paper, a friend out of paper, made herself into ink. Never did Dwyn not carry a journal, neither journal not pen did she ever go without. People at school started calling her Pen.
So to say she's surprised by the new boy who can read her mind, whose mind ah can read, well, that's the understatement of the century. All of a sudden she's no longer alone, and this girl with ink stained fingers finds her emotions becoming a strange conglomerated mess.
What's to happen?