Alicia Rivera is the cousin of Bella Swan. Alicia's parents Len and Nadia thought she shouldn't be as spoiled, so they send her to live with her father's step-brother and his daughter Bella Swan. Alicia didn't really think her parents were serious, until her plane was landing in some unknown town called Forks, Washington. Bella was a junior and Alicia was a sophomore. So was this guy Jacob Black. Jacob talked to Bella, but Alicia a bit more. They started going out a bit, but when Bella's supernatural freak of a boyfriend left town, Bella started hanging with Jacob, and Jacob and Alicia kind of broke it off.
Alicia had some shocking news, though. The bloodsucking mind-reader knew and his nice sister Alice saw it in a vision, even though the father was a shape-shifter. Yep, Alicia got pregnant, by Jacob Black, who's "in love" with her cousin Bella Swan.
All rights belong to Stephenie Meyer and Lisi Harrison, except my own original characters.
"That was not what I expected when we move here"
Irene and her twin brother, Tony, move to Forks. The news of two new students spread fast and they were soon the talk of the city. But what was eye-catching with them was they incredible beauty. Pale skin, hypnotic eyes, good features. They were oddly similar with a certain family. Irene and Tony were radiating the same strange but addicting aura. But as they were looking for peace and a new life, they may not have chosen the right city for that. Between new found love, shape-shifters, and vampire attacks, how the twins will handle it?
Edward Cullen x OC (main)
Bella x OC (side)
New Moon and Eclipse
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