A stoner couple, Mike and Phoebe, are living their lives peacefully in the town of Liman, West Virginia, until Mike finds out that he's a sleeper-agent, trained five years ago by CIA and that Tough Guy operatives (guided by agent Yates) are trying to kill him because he keeps trying to leave town. Meanwhile, agent Victoria Lasseter (the one who started the program where Mike was trained) activated him and eventually saved him. In the end, Mike proposes to Phoebe and she says yes, following them being tased and jailed. The last scene shows Mike and Phoebe on a mission under the control of Lasseter, mission taking place in Manila, Phillippines. What happens next is left for you to read here.
Note that I do not own the main characters (Mike, Phoebe and Victoria Lasseter) nor the movie plot (description above).