Starters Fanfiction in movie script form. Originally a school assignment, I posted this here for all to read, because otherwise I would never have written a fanfic. [Book Summary below]
~~~~~Scene depicted: Callie first wakes up in her renters's Life~~~~~
In a war-ravaged dystopian America, Callie Woodland and her younger brother Tyler struggles to survive without grandparents when everyone between the ages of 22 and 62 has been wiped out by spores. Her only other friend is Michael, and they must resort to Prime Destinations, an illegal company that pays Starters to let Enders rent their bodies to be young again, as a pre-PacRim Battles law prevents those under the age of 19 from working. Callie wakes up in the life of her renter, only to discover the renter plans to do more than just party, and that Prime Destinations' intentions are much more villainous than she ever could have imagined.
The scene depicted is when Callie first wakes up as a renter.
(Starters are those who are young, 22 and under, and Enders are the opposite: anyone who would be considered old today, 60+)