25 parts Complete MatureIn the war against the Huaxia Federation, a brutal conflict for humanity's survival, a squad of soldiers emerges as a beacon of hope: The Vanguard, Pilots of Atlas. Riley, a soldier imbued with pyrokinetic abilities, pilots the towering Paladin armor. Alongside him are Miller, wielding arcane energy as the Arcanist, Williams the hulking juggernaut, and Jones, a cloaked spectre with the power of invisibility. They fight alongside the Atlas, hulking mechanized exoskeletons wielded by the Allied Central.
This story follows The Vanguard on a mission to the Yellow Sea, a critical front in the war. Here, they face off against the Huaxia's trench warfare tactics, brutal Kaiju bio-engineered monstrosities, and the enemy's elite sorcerers. The battle is a desperate fight for survival, testing the limits of The Vanguard's abilities and forcing them to confront the true cost of war.