" Sometimes when I am alone I can still feel his touch... or when I close my eyes I can see is pale face.. his hand reaching out to me begging for me to help him... but I just stood there being hopeless." I said as I looked down and started to play with my fingers. When I finally looked up again she.was still writing notes in her little note book. I. wish they would just let me out. I really don't know the reason of me being here. I remember when I asked nurse Karen. She told me that they were all scared that I would harm myself. Harm myself because the love of my.life died right in front of me and the fact that days after he died I was found in my bathroom laying on the floor with sliced wrist next to a razor. That day I found out that he was no only cheating on me and using me to win a bet but he also got someone pregnant and left her. I was devastated. I think I just lost you so ill start front the beginning.All Rights Reserved