The story revolves around teenagers Bambi, Joshua, Belinda, Jacob, Chris, Aya, Louisa, Rick, and Leslie as they go through a boot camp and learn to accept others for who they are. Barbie Forteza as Bambi (Sweet Heart), Bea Binene as Belinda/Belle (Tough Girl), Joshua Dionisio as Josh (Rebel)/Ross, Jake Vargas as Jacob (Musician), Joyce Ching as Aya (Beautiful nerd), Kristofer Martin as Chris (Jock), Louise delos Reyes as Luisa (Over-Achiever), Derick Monasterio as Rick (School President), Lexi Fernandez as Leslie (Drama Queen), Emilio Garcia as Ted Fortes, Sylvia Sanchez as Irene Fortes, Roxanne Barcelo as Miss Rose Diones, and Gabby Eigenmann as Coach A.