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❌ "you scared? You sure as hell will be soon, my lovely daughter." ❌
Negan kills, it makes him have a certain power. A strong power. His daughter, on the other hand, is very sensitive to watching her father kill. When he kills, he's violent, he enjoys the pain of watching others suffer.
Salem, his daughter, knows she should feel the same way. Killing for pleasure, just like her father has taught her to. Yet, she doesn't. She could never. Sure, she kicks ass, but she does it with a gun. Not with a fist. And especially not with a barbed-wire baseball bat that's hit the head of many victims.
When Salem first lays eyes on a boy, she learns his father is the leader of the group. She falls in love, but knows it is wrong to love the enemy.
When he hides in the back of the truck and almost shoots her, Negan forces him to stay.
Will Salem ever confess? What would her father say when he found out she loves his arch-enemy's son? What will Carl do? And Enid?