Seth is a young boy who grows to be a man that wants to go on the greatest adventure the world has ever known. His adventure starts as a mission to retrieve a blade to be used to take down a kingdom-sized army of demons, but that all changes when a man is given unholy power over the dead and is sent to personally take care of him. Now, Seth, his best friend Jeffry, Sylva the Videun, their pet Forgon named Fang, and others who help them along the way must not only kill an army of demons, but must kill a necromancer with satonic powers!
Cynthia has lost her homeland, her family, and her friends. Hardened by the loss of her kingdom she lives out her days as an expert assassin. Christopher, captain of the city guard has spent weeks tracking down a rogue assassin throughout the city. However soon dragon's are spotted returning to the continent, unheard of since Cynthia's kingdom fell. Cynthia finds herself with Darkeen, a battle-hardened veteran from the war who agrees to help Cynthia reclaim her homeland. Christopher, soon discovers he's able to wield magic despite it having been vanished for years. Soon they would both find not everything from Evanuan to Werdyn is all black and white, especially when the continent is at stake and mysterious and supernatural forces threaten the very ground they stand on...