With New Year almost gone now, its easy to get strayed away from the New Year's Resolution. While it's very easy to make promises, it would be so better if the resolutions were just as easy to be kept. I have personally been trying to lose weight and try to have a more active life and i took the decision to actually undergo a certain research of it on my own on December 6 2016; and I can tell it had been the best decision of my life. As the cover picture suggests, it's an actual screenshot from my phone and how i have been doing all this while myself. Although taking fitness wasn't my New Year Resolution, writing on Wattpad was. So, i decided to share the experience of what I did and learnt. I am still a new writer and online writing isn't my cup of tea so as it's new for me and because I spend less time writing on computer, this might seem a very short and under-rated Guide, but its based on scientific tips and it will be short and " to the point ". And trust me it worked for me and I guarantee it will for you too! Before proceeding please note that I am not a certified fitness trainer so all that I've written might not be " everything " you need to know. But I assure that in the long run, it will work for most of the people. You can see the results for yourself on my cover pictures as the picture speaks for themselves. I hope it will help the reader as it did to me. Feedback will be greatly appreciated as always! Cheers!