A 16 year old girl named Riely, brown hair, hazel eyes with her parents Stephanie and Timmothy lives in a house near the town centre, but due to things, her parents moved them to closer to the nature and a forest for Riely to play in. One day her parents were talking with their bosses and Riely got depressed and ran into the forest and hid in there from here parents. When it was dinner time, her parents was worried about her, Riely heard the calling out and she went straight home to the table. Sometime later, the parents came home and found her at the table, they were asking questions about where she has been.
Riely is now 25 year old girl and she is exploring the world, she started a blog about the world, she took a photo and put it on the blog and the parents actually reads the blog to see where she went. Her parents told Riely about how they got the jobs that they wanted and Riely is really happy and really excited about the news that she has heard. She is very happy to see the world, she grew up not really knowing the world but now she is going around the world looking at everything that there is in the world. One day when she was exploring she became sick and she had to be sent home straight away, her plane was delayed for something that noone knew about it.
Riely is now 30 years old, she is still recovering from her medication thhat she has form her illness. Her parents are relived that she isn't doing her blog because there is nothing to blog about. She is all better now and she's allowed to leave home to explore the world, but she forgot on how to use a map and compass. At her first steps, she stumbled and she needs someone to help her up on her feet. She got back up and she decided to go outside and have a good look at nature. She became world famous but everyone didn't know about the medication that she's on, that made her forgets everything, they are all disappointed in her.
Riely is now 40 years old