Tashona Wilson look perfect to some a regualr all-American
Sweetheart who dream as a little girl was to be a model.yes
Tashona family always praised her for a wholesome charac
ter,good looks and full curves but Tashona didn't see it like
that as a young girl. though its so common in African American
Culture she still thought she was just a fat girl compared to
some of her peers as Tashona approach H.S.she suffered
bullying which caused her to get a tough skin.that didn't
stop Tashona from being the best she could be with the
continual help from her family her attitude became more
of Here I am accept me for me. she ditched college for
modeling school, she didn't have much knowledge as
a young lady to persue a career in modeling sorrounded
by only slim figured girls she endured more bullying and
had many agencies to shut the door in her face some
saying she's pretty for a curvy girl or she's pretty for a
black girl.at the age of 24 Tashona left her hometown
of Louisiana to live in Los Angeles she was destined
to have her face on a magazine or even the Big screen
whatever she could do to get exposure she would
do it while being smart,taking acting classes paid
off a little. she was in two plays but she didn't feel
she was known enough little did she know she
would finish her play to be asked her autograph
by some top plus size model agency.Tashona
dreams has suddenly come true and all she
could do was thank God. it'll all began from
there it was a blessing she thought but yet
a world she knew little about.