The League of Extraordinary Teenagers is a saga of books based on movies in which a whole new teenager revolutionises your favourite action movies.
Evangeline lived with her mother until she was 11 years old, always being told her father had died when she was a baby, that he drowned at sea, at his place in the Queen's Navy. Her mother worked her fingers to the bone to get her the high class place in London's society, Eva becoming best friends with Elizabeth Swan, also missing a parent, so when Elizabeth's father, Weatherby Swan, invites her along to Port Royal, Jamaica, she jumps at the chance, and ignores the money that changed hands to get her there. Now, at 20 years old and sticking out like a sore thumb, Evangeline realises that the girl's shared secret obsession with Pirates is going to get them into more adventure than they ever asked for, and uncovering more lies about Evangeline's past and parents than she ever wanted to know, Jack Sparrow, or er, should we say Captain Jack Sparrow, is only the first stepping stone to excitement.